Perazim is the name of our property that was generously donated to us, it is situated in the Northwest of Uganda.

Project Perazim is a collaboration of various smaller projects, they are;

Lodge, Kindergarten, School, Medical Care and Church.

If your heart is moved to support us in one of our building projects, we are open to receive any size of financial gift. Please feel free to get into touch with us directly or alternatively please ensure to identify the project you would like to support on the bank draft so that we can ensure that the money flows completely and directly into the nominated project.

Herewith our banking details:

Account Holder: From Nobody to Somebody e.V
Account Number: 1 055672
Branch : 54510067 Postbank
IBAN: DE39 5451 0067 0001 0556 72

or click the PayPal-Button

Please note that you can follow all our projects and happenings upon clicking on a project in the navigation.

Who we are and what we do

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"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
(Jak. 1:27)

Our current project

Residential building for employees

We have new building plans. The number of employees and workers employed at our plant has now risen to 40. They all stay with us. Some teachers and employees still have to share rooms. That was okay for some time, but we would now like to build a building with 5 residential units, similar to the one in the photo, for the administrative staff and our pastor. Everyone should have their own private space.
We need about 15,000 euros for this.

We will make the doors and windows and all the furniture ourselves to avoid additional costs.

Read more ...

Empfänger: From Nobody to Somebody

BLZ: 71120077
IBAN: DE17 7112 0077 0024 1016 57
Kontonummer: 24101657

Verwendungszweck: Name des Projektes/Kindes