End of year


The Nobody to Somebody Uganda team wishes you a happy new year and lots of blessings...

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Swimming Pool


The construction of our swimming pool is nearing completion. Here you can see how our workers carry out the final cleaning work. The swimming pool is not only designed to attract more guests to our lodge, it is specifically designed for our students to learn to swim. Almost nobody can swim here and when there are boat accidents on the Nile or one of the many lakes, they usually end fatally.

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Success Stories Part 1


In addition to the success that our glowing orange toilets could be built in the community school with your support, we can of course also report on other successes.

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In our community school in the village of Got Apwoyo, over 70 children are already attending school and kindergarten. The school building is quite adequate at the moment, but the toilet building has been there for 9 years, it was built in 2013 together with the church. The toilet is a so-called pit latrine. On the one hand it is almost full, which creates a very unpleasant smell (there is no faecal disposal here) and on the other hand the building has cracks everywhere.

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Finally water


Our pump has been connected since this week and we have an average of 5000-7000 liters available every day.

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My dears, I'm sitting here thinking about when I wrote the newsletter here in the same place, asking for support for our well construction one week ago. At that point, I could not have imagined the miracles that would await me this week.

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Bible and party


My dears! A big thank you for the donations for the school Bibles. Each of our children in school from the 3rd grade up now has their own Bible...

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Dental team visiting


This year we had our "house" dentist Dr.Ophoff from Regensburg as our guest for the sixth time. This time she came again with a great team consisting of another dentist and two helpers.

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Kids and calf


Finally the children have been allowed to go to school again since November last year.

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When the dry season begins in December, the time for harvesting grass begins ...

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We wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed new year from the bottom of our hearts

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Life in Corona Times


I would like to introduce you to some of the girls who have been with us since the beginning of the Corona Lockdown and of course also share with you what the reason is that they don't spend the time at home.

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Out Team Part 5


Ihr Lieben! Eigentlich wollte ich Euch in diesem Newsletter unsere Rinderherde vorstellen, doch leider haben wir immer noch Lockdown und somit sind noch alle Viehmärkte geschlossen...

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Our Team Part 4


Ladies and gentlemen - today I present our longest-standing and at the same time oldest employee ...

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Our Team Part 3


Today it is Sharon, Mister Omalla, Samuel and Joseph Otto that I would like to introduce to you.

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Bush Fire


Dear Ones, Today I want to share with you how we fought a bush fire last week.

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Dormitory für Mädchen und Küche fertiggestellt


Alle Wünsche aus unserem Video sind erfüllt! Durch Eure zahlreichen Spenden ist es wahr geworden: die Mädchen konnten in ein geräumiges großes Dormitory einziehen und wir haben eine neue geflieste Küche mit einem großem Herd und einer Essensausgabe. Danke an alle, die dabei mitgeholfen haben.

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Shalom Elephant Tours 2019


Besuchen sie Ihr Patenkind und unsere Projekte in Uganda und erleben Sie gleichzeitig Afrikas Tierwelt bei einer Safari in Ugandas größtem Nationalpark. Termine 2019 28.7.-7.3 6.6.-13.6. 8.8.-15.8.

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Medical Outreach


Auch in diesem Jahr haben wir in Partnerschaft mit dem Verein "Let Doctors fly" aus Deutschland einen sogenannten Medical Outreach durchgeführt. Mehr als 700 Patienten konnten erfolgreich behandelt werden. Der Andrang war wie immer riesengroß wie man auf den Bildern leicht erkennen kann.

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Kidscamp und Erlebnistag


Wie in jedem Jahr haben wir unser Kidscamp durchgeführt. Mehr als 30 Kinder haben dieses Mal teilgenommen. Die Themen, die hauptsächlich gelehrt wurden, waren \"leadership\", \"devotion\" und \"community\". Alle Kids waren mit Begeisterung dabei und hatten viel Spaß bei den Activities. Ein Teil der Kinder konnte durch die großzügige Gabe ihrer Pateneltern einen Erlebnistag im Waldkletterpark mit Zeltübernachtung und Lagerfeuer am Abend verbringen.

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Who we are and what we do

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"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
(Jak. 1:27)

Our current project

With your help, the kitchen and the dormitories could be completed. Thank you so much to everyone who was there for us!

A simple community school is currently needed. Not all children in the surrounding villages can attend our school because the distances are too great and the paths too dangerous. Again and again you can encounter elephants, buffalos or other animals that cross to the Nile to drink water. For this reason we decided to build a primary school with four classrooms in one of the villages so that all children can go to school.

Such a building with four classrooms costs about 12,000 euros. A lot of thanks to a generous donation from Denmark, we were able to credit 3,500 euros. So we are only missing 8,500 euros.

A big thank you to everyone who makes this project possible. You can donate directly here.