Swimming Pool
That is why it is so important to us to teach our children to swim. And the swimming pool will serve another purpose, we will use it for the baptism. It is too dangerous to continue baptizing in the Nile, both because of the hippopotamus and because of billharzia, an incurable disease easily contracted from standing in the standing water on the river banks.
We urgently need financial support to complete the swimming pool. We have not yet been able to build an additional house or roof for changing rooms and as a shade provider, as well as the installation of the pumps and solar system and the design outside of the pool. We are very grateful for any donation to be able to open the swimming pool as soon as possible.
Love and Blessings from Uganda Tanja Dietzel and the NTS team
From Nobody to Somebody
IBAN: DE17 7112 0077 0024 1016 57
Purpose: swimming pool