If you want to sponsor a child, then please contact us here or by email:

Telephone contact:

Contact in Uganda
Tanja Akena can be reached by phone at +256 775 995186

Contact person in Germany
Uschi Triffo can be reached by phone at +49 8038 909100

Bank details for sponsorships and donations:

Account holder: From Nobody to Somebody e.V.
Account no. 1055672
Bank Code 545 100 67 Postbank
IBAN DE39 5451 0067 0001 0556 72


Account holder: From Nobody to Somebody e.V.
Account no. 301 637 47 02
Bank Code 201 100 22 Postbank

For donations via PayPal just click the following button:

Who we are and what we do

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"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
(Jak. 1:27)

Our current project

With your help, the kitchen and the dormitories could be completed. Thank you so much to everyone who was there for us!

A simple community school is currently needed. Not all children in the surrounding villages can attend our school because the distances are too great and the paths too dangerous. Again and again you can encounter elephants, buffalos or other animals that cross to the Nile to drink water. For this reason we decided to build a primary school with four classrooms in one of the villages so that all children can go to school.

Such a building with four classrooms costs about 12,000 euros. A lot of thanks to a generous donation from Denmark, we were able to credit 3,500 euros. So we are only missing 8,500 euros.

A big thank you to everyone who makes this project possible. You can donate directly here.